Thursday, May 23, 2019

The case of the 5 month dresses

I offered to make some dresses for my friend Lisa's grand-daughters, so in December we went out to JoAnn's to find some fabric and a pattern she liked.  She picked out Simplicity 8270 which is a simple pull over dress. There are also leggings, but I just made the dress. She liked view D so she picked out contrasting fabric.

I thought, the dresses would take me no time to whip up and I could get them done in one afternoon. That's what I thought...

This fabric was a pain in the butt to work with. It shrank like there was no tomorrow and the purple faded almost 2 shades. Cutting it wasn't so bad except since it shrank so much, I needed more purple fabric. And of course by the time I made it back to JoAnn's they had a different dye lot. I didn't calculate enough fabric and once it shrank I didn't have enough to cut out for the second dress. So I went to JoAnn's again, and bought the 2 yards that was left on the bolt.  This time, even with the shrinking I fo' sure had enough.  AND the color did not fade.

So there are two dresses in two different shades of purple. I had already sewn the larger dress that is too shades lighter and I was not sewing more than I had to.  I will be honest and say I am not used to sewing with knits. This fabric was stretching all over the place, and yes I used the correct needle.

The neckline pattern piece is too small in both sizes I made. I cut it so it would stretch and it didn't. So I added almost 2 inches to the pieces  - yep, had to cut them again.

I had enough of that bloody purple fabric I made some headbands. They were easier to make and hopefully will fit their heads!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Tulle Glam

I have a small obsession with tulle skirts. I think it stems from my small obsession with Carrie Bradshaw's wardrobe and her fabulous tulle skirt outfits.  I didn't want a tutu, but wanted something a little more glam, so I self drafted a circle skirt pattern. I purchased the tulle from Joann's, and it's not as grey as I was hoping for, but I still love it.

Let me tell you tulle is a bitch to sew with. I lined it with a solid cotton quilting fabric, it might be broadcloth, but I don't remember.  There are ten layers of tulle and the waistband is cotton. I installed a back zip with a button on the waistband. I don't think the bottom is even, I didn't hem the tulle and I am just ok with an uneven hem because who is even looking at it.