Wednesday, September 27, 2017

V8333 pockets

These are the pockets that give a seamstress nightmares. 

Ok, so this is what the pocket is supposed to look like (taken from the pattern envelope).  

Isn't that detail just lovely? Now, you see why I chose this jacket.  

So, it looks simple enough.  TWO hours later, yes, 
TWO hours later, I had what resembled 
this pocket detailing.  
Maybe I just needed more tea the day I 
attempted these pockets.  
Maybe I was just on the struggle bus.  

Since this is the muslin, I have skipped a bunch of steps, I'm not sewing hair canvas and a lining this go round.  That would be why the numbers are all over the place. 

Step 4: Baste darts on front.  No picture for you, but this step is pretty easy.

Step 26 & 27:  Join the pocket and fold the pocket to the wrong side along the foldline closest to center front.  This first time I did this, I was clearly on the struggle bus because I folded it along the fold line closest to the side seam - Don't do what I did, do what the pattern says! 

Step 28: Turn the front section over with wrong side up; fold the pocket on the roll line with right sides together.  So this I didn't understand why they said turn the front section over with wrong side's already turned over.  Maybe it's for people who wanted to look at the right side of their pretty fashion fabric. This is the wrong side of my fabric (see my markings on on the other side) 

Step 29: With wrong side together;fold front on the second fold line. Baste.

Same step, front view. 

Step 30: Right sides together, base the side front to the front section.  Pretty self explanatory. 

Step 31: Right sides up, pin the front pocket opening edge to the side front along the placement line.  Baste the pocket opening close to the folded edge.  This is where the struggle started.  If you look at the photo below, the blues lines are the placement lines. If I matched up the placement lines then I don't get two pleat/pintucks. Maybe I understood the directions incorrectly.  
So I just adjusted the folds so it looked nice 
and all the seams were flat. 
And VOILA! I have the pleats, plus my pocket.

The red basting in this photo is the pocket opening.  This photo is the inside of the garment. 

And both sides. If you look closely on the left side you can see my wannabe fell stitches.  
Yeah, I'mma need to work on those.  
P.S. the sides don't look event in this shot, but they are. 

Now onto collars and shoulder seams oh my!

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